Posts tagged ‘gym’

Video | Squats-in-motion

[Follow me @Ahdalin]

Alrighty! I once blogged about <Trick to… Sexy Butt : Squats>. In it, I have talk about the benefits of squats & a video on how to perform a proper squats.

The thing is that I have always believe in squats. Truth to be told, after a month+ of constant workout in the gym doing squats as one of the main exercises, I did notice a more perky butt!


Me | Squat-in-motion

With the invention of Instavid, I finally filmed myself in action & posted on instagram! Perhaps more videos moving forward?

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Gym Log | 4 July 2013

[Follow me @Ahdalin]

Alright, for a more scap-focus day, I choose to do pull ups first before going on to my core lift (squats or deadlift).

Gym Log 130704

Personal Record (PR):

  • Squat (3 reps) @ 75KG

☑Achievement Unlock

Nothing beats going to the gym & hit your PR. (But seriously, that means I’m quite noob to hit PR so often…)

Need motivation or need a starting point, read my Health & Fitness corner. #stayfit


If you have any other questions, comment below or Write to Me via the contact form found here.



[Follow me on Twitter @Ahdalin]

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Gym Log | 2 July 2013

[Follow me @Ahdalin]

Alright, it’s been a month since I’ve started working out the AWESOME-ST gym – Fitness First. & unlike those times when I trained in Club Fit gym, set up by the government Sports Council, I am more motivated now to go to the gym, simply because I’m paying SGD110 a month for the membership!

I used to keep a gym log on blog but as you can see I’m not that consistent in gyming and/or keeping it blogged online. Sp now I’m going to continue this log. As usual, I’m NOT going log every gym session (though I might) – just a few to help motivate some people.

So here’s the log for my last gym workout – 2 July’13

Gym Log 130702

Personal Record (PR):

  • Deadlift @ 75KG
  • Deadlift (3 reps) @ 70KG

☑Achievement Unlock

So seriously, go work it! Need motivation or need a starting point, read my Health & Fitness corner. #stayfit


If you have any other questions, comment below or Write to Me via the contact form found here.



[Follow me on Twitter @Ahdalin]

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What a trainer should not do in gym

Time: 18 10
Mood: slacking

For those who often frequent clubfit gyms, you will know that the trainer/staff there will always warn you bout what you should not be doing in the gym should you be perfoming such “dangerous” activies. BB has been a regular who receive constant reminders on what he should not be doing ( stuff like no cleaning of bars in a certain direction and many other stupid things). Most of the activities we were told not to do were pretty pointless. (we were once told that sports specific exercises were not allowed while we were doing snatches. But honestly, what’s in e gym is not sport specific?) that aside, what i saw today made me wonder if these trainers have any common sense at all!

I think one of the things that one should NEVER, never ever do is to talk to someone who is in the midst of his workout. I saw this today. Wanted to snap a pic of it but too bad, my camera was not with me. It started when someone dropped the bar onto the safety of the smith machine & made a very loud sound. The trainer/ staff upon hearing it, walk up to a group of boys at the smith and talk to the boy who was halfway into his work set!!! Like omg!! Imagine the distraction it could bring.. After realizing it wasn’t the boys who made that sound, he quickly walk to another smith and talk to the guy who was also halfway into his work set!! Like omg X 2!!!

Are the staffs there even trained? This is not the first time they did such stupid act. Like seriously.
Mayb is time for sports council to reconsider the criteria for hiring. Or at least retrain their staff with some basic knowledge of working out…

Oh well…

I can do it too! …. Mayb not.

Time: 21 40

Mood: hilarious

This joke came about in gym today. I was at the dip bars doing my last set of dips or in fact, last set of workout for the day. Having done 55kg of deadlifts, 40 kg of bench press and ‘countless’ of pull ups and dips before that, my arms and grip are damn tired and so close to completely gone.

The joke comes when BB challeged me to do 5 dips for the last set. Feeling fustrated at having to do another set (thanks to my strict PT cum Bf) I replied: “ya think only ya can do? I can do it too!”

With that, I got into position, took a deep breath and bend my arms to do a dip. The next thing I know, I dropped down for my arms gave way completely. I looked at BB right away and saw his expression which I deem as “EVILLL”  (lol). He was trying hard not to laugh but I guess when stuff like that happen, ya must be a monk not to laugh. So I looked at him and said: ” Maybe not.” Now I feel stupid.

Ahh!! I hate ya BB. Ya always make a fool out of me.. HAHAHA..

Uncivilised Gymrats

Time: 09 00

Mood: Irritated

Gyming has always been an interesting activity not because I like what I am doing but because of the people I see in gym. Ya imagine the gym: full of  ‘hamsters’ on the mill running, body builders (or at least wanna-be) doing their own thing in  their own corner. The real truth is not that far from it. You still see the ‘hamsters’ and the weight lifters. However, the difference is that the weight lifters don’t do their thing in their own corner (well at least not some of them). And I think I need to elaborate a little bit.

The most common one will be some really rude gymrats who will just take away others’ weights without asking if they are still using or ask to see if they can borrow for a set or two. Imagine how irritating it is to find your weights missing when you want to use it and it was still there a moment ago and gone the next. You took effort to take the weight from somewhere basically means you are using it. So why can’t these people ask before taking it? Uncivilised. Btw, since I’m on the topic might as well tell the story I encountered yesterday. There was this IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRITATING BUGGER, uncivilised to the extend that I think he was born in the cave man era. Anwy, this guy just went around taking people’s dumbbells to do his stupid exercise and used others’ benches to do his stupid crunches. I mean he practically went up beside you and take the weights and do his stuff on that very spot!! After that he will put it back down, rest a while and go to another weight and do the same thing.. If not he’ll take the opportunity when you got up from the bench, he will sit down on it and use it!! WT…. And he also don’t care if he is blocking anbody. He will stand where he want and ignore anybody trying to do their exercises beside him.. That brings me to my next point. Some people just don’t know how to move away.

You need space for for you workout. However some people just like to take up these space. To actually stand so close to you that you can’t use your weights properly is a bit rare since most people are afraid that the weights will hit them (however not in the case of the BUGGER I mentioned above). The more often seen one is that they will place their towels or lean on the stuff ya wanna use, eg, the dip bar. How irritating.

Anwy, my purpose of the post is to complain!! And I think I have done so. So I shall not go into the funny stuff I’ve seen in gym (yet). Maybe next time. So till then.



PS: I know I don’t make much sense here and my points are a bit mixed up. But forgive a bit cos is in the morning and I am still half asleep=p